Why delay in the appointing vice-chancellors in the universities?

  • Noman Bin Haroon
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Photo:  Noman bi Haroon/Barta24

Photo: Noman bi Haroon/Barta24

The vice-chancellors of public universities began to resign following the fall of the Awami League government on August 5 in a student uprising. During the quota reform movement, these vice-chancellors, pro-vice-chancellors and other officials of the university administration took a stand against the students. Attacking and suing the students, directly supporting the then ruling student organizations, these teachers have lost the moral qualification to run the university.

According to the latest information, at least 40 universities in the country are without vice-chancellors after the fall of the Sheikh Hasina government. Academic and administrative activities have practically come to a standstill. First year classes have not even started in some universities. Professor Wahiduddin Mahmud, Education adviser of the interim government, has already said that in transition from this situation, the universities will be quickly appointed to start administrative activities. Universities which are without guardians should be started as soon as possible. The higher echelons of the government said that truly educated, qualified and administratively competent people will be appointed.


The four oldest and largest universities of the country are being run according to the Presidential Ordinance of 1973. According to the Ordinance, there is a provision to elect the Vice-Chancellor Panel in the universities through the Senate. According to the provisions, a three-member panel is elected to the post of Vice-Chancellor by vote of Senate members. Later the President and Chancellor of University appoint any one from among the selected. In the remaining universities there is a practice of appointing the Vice-Chancellor by direct choice of the Government.

For a long time, vice-chancellors have been appointed on political considerations in public universities of the country. The political position and implementation of the party agenda of the vice-chancellors was considered as the main and only qualification here compared to the skills and qualifications. With the help of various quarters of the government, these vice-chancellors got involved in various irregularities and corruption. They have been accused of hiring party workers and relatives throughout the year. In the last few years, the teachers and students have been protesting for a long time in the campuses demanding the resignation of the vice-chancellors.

After the resignation of the vice-chancellors, various administrative officers including the registrar also resigned. This is creating complications in academic work as well as other administrative work. Collecting of certificates and transcripts, publication of results have not been addressed. It will not be possible to do these things because there is no vice chancellor. Even the temporary and outsourcing employees of the university did not get their salaries due to the absence of the Vice-Chancellor. The routine official functions of the university are also being disrupted. There is chaos in the halls of residence as important posts in the proctorial body and hall administration are vacant. Besides, there is a new fear of session jamming with class-examination. Important meetings like the Senate-Syndicate-Academic Council were also not held.

After the resignation of the vice-chancellors of the universities in the post-uprising period, the university officials are seeing a ray of hope. They see it as an opportunity to get out of the long-standing culture of corruption and nepotism. However, appointing the vice-chancellors of so many universities at once is a big challenge for the Ministry of Education. Breaking the previous trend, the education administration is looking for non-political academic and administratively competent and qualified senior professors for this post.

Academicians say the appointment of vice-chancellors should take into account academic merit as well as administrative skills, experience and record of integrity. Universities outside the 73 Act need to have clear rules for appointment of Vice-Chancellors. Appointment of Vice-Chancellor may be arranged by constituting an impartial search committee.

The Vice-Chancellor is a post whose entire policy revolves around the overall functions of the University. A Vice-Chancellor who is efficient and competent in managing administrative activities can radically change the face of the university. After the movement, all the teachers and students are coming forward to build a new Bangladesh. If the vice-chancellor can be appointed quickly, the universities will be able to overcome the deadlock and return to normal activities.

It seems that the interim government is taking time to find reliable and trustworthy teachers. Because teachers recruited in the past mostly played a role for a particular group. Various parties have already proposed the name of the preferred candidate as the vice-chancellor. Many are trying to create political pressure in different circles. Above all, the sooner the vice chancellor can be appointed, the better because it involves the aspirations of universities and a large part of the nation.

Author: Noman Bin Haroon, General Secretary, Jahangirnagar University Press Club