Petrobangla rejects Chevron's offer

  • Serajul Islam Siraj, Special Correspondent,, Dhaka
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Petrobangla rejects Chevron's offer, Photo: Collected

Petrobangla rejects Chevron's offer, Photo: Collected

Petrobangla has rejected the agreement on the ODI of the offshore PSC (production and distribution agreement). Multinational companies, Chevron Sunamganj, Sherpur and Mymensingh area, proposed the agreement in the light of Block-11 in Block-12 in Habiganj, in the light of PSC.

The issue came out in December 2021 in the area of ​​Block-1, Block-1 and Block-12 (Rashidpur) in the area (Rashidpur). A formal proposal was made on behalf of Chevron. At that time, the Awami League government gave the issue of Block-1 and 3 under the Special Provision Act. They were then asked to offer details.


Recently, Chevron Bangladesh proposed a new proposal. The proposal proposed the agreement in light of PSC 2021 in the proposal. The proposal has been rejected by Petrobangla. It states that oil and gas search and lifting in the deep sea are very expensive and risk, so the gas prices are high there. The agreement cannot be signed according to that price on the ground.

Model PSC-20 was amended with many discounts, including increasing the price of gas, and the model PSC-2021 was made. Although gas prices were fixed in the previous PSCs, the gas price was not fixed this time. Gas prices will fluctuate with Brent Crude's international market rate. The price per thousand cubic feet of gas is estimated to be equal to 5 percent of Brent Crude. That is, if Brent Crude costs 5 dollars , the price of gas will be 5 dollars. The existing PSC had a fixed price of 1.5 dollars in the shallow and deep sea respectively. On the other hand, the lease of the block-12 area of ​​Chevron Bangladesh was given at 2.5 dollars .


In addition to the price, the proportion of the government's share has also been reduced to PSC-2021. In the deep sea, 5 to 5 percent of the sea and Bangladesh will fluctuate up to 5 to 5 percent in the shallow sea. If the contractor does not get gas by digging the well or is not commercially lifted within the stipulated time, then the opportunity to increase the calculation of 1 and 2 percent respectively.

BAPEX has conducted a three -dimensional survey in a part of the BAPEX Block BAPEX. It is estimated that 2 trillion cubic feet of gas is estimated to be in the block number 1. Chevron Bangladesh is expected to conduct two -dimensional and three -dimensional surveys in these blocks. If the survey results are positive, the company wants to go to the next step.

Multinational company Chevron Bangladesh is lifting gas from a total of 5 blocks. They have a Bibiana gas field at Block-12, Jalalabad gas field at Block-1 and Moulvibazar gas field at Block-1. Daily 120 million cubic feet of gas has been withdrawn daily (January 26) from six gas fields owned by Chevron Bangladesh. Which is much higher than half of Bangladesh's total gases. The total production of domestic gasfields on January 26 was 5 million cubic feet.

According to the law, if the agreement does not work for 5 years after the agreement, he will automatically move under Petrobangla in the area. Chevron Bangladesh Block-12 later left some area. The Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, Petrobangla and Chevron Bangladesh have signed a tripartite supplemental agreement to dig well in some areas leaving the Bangiya Field in October 2022. The company is trying to get some new areas of Rashidpur.

Although several officials of Petrobangla confirmed the matter on condition of anonymity, none of them agreed to anonym. On the other hand, when contacted at the Dhaka office of Chevron Bangladesh, Sheikh Zahidur Rahman . He told Barta 24.Com, that Chevron Bangladesh does not want to publish its future plans at the moment.

He also said that Chevron has been working with Bangladesh, government and Petrobangla for 5 years. Bangladesh is providing affordable, safe and reliable fuel to Bangladesh. Wants to continue exploring the potential of the fuel sector.

Chevron is asked what they think after rejecting the proposal. Responding to this question, Shevron Bangladesh does not want to publish their future plans.

Petrobangla chairman Rezanur Rahman called multiple times but he did not receive it. Even the SMS did not respond.

On the other hand, the Block-12 Agreement is expiring in 20 years. Shevron Bangladesh proposed to extend the contract to 20 years to 20 years. The proposal to extend the time has also been rejected. Petrobangla feels that there is a lot of time in 20 years, it is not time for the decision to decide.

The company recently urged the payment of arrears to pay. Development activities are being disrupted due to gas bills, giving letters to pay at least 1 million dollars in the shortest period. The company's Managing Director and President Eric M. Walker gave a letter on January 5. Until January 25, the company's gas bills amount to 1 million dollars.